30 December 2012
12 December 2011
August 2011
"Such People We Have Never Seen".
By Chris Parish
July 2011
"A Legacy for Renewal".
By Amal Dibo
May 2011
"Science & faith revisited"
by Alden Swan
March 2011
"In commemoration of metropolitan Anthony"
by Eleanor Sutter
08th February, 2011
"Encounter of the first kind" by Very Rev. John Garvey
Conference in Memory of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
A one day conference will be held in London on Saturday November 27,
2010, dedicated to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.
The Conference is being organized by the Metropolitan Anthony of
Sourozh Foundation and will be the third Western European Conference
to be held in his memory.
in Memory of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh on the 21st of June 2008 (PDF file,
1,3 mb)
The Diocese of Sourozh announces with sadness
that its beloved founder and archpastor, His Eminence, Metropolitan Anthony of
Sourozh, died peacefully today, Monday, 4th August, 2003, at the age of 89.
Metropolitan Anthony served the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain for
more than fifty years, earning the respect and affection of many thousands of
people throughout the world for his deep humanity and tireless witness to the
Gospel of Christ. May his memory be eternal!
The funeral of His Eminence, Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, will take place
at the Cathedral of the
Dormition and All Saints, 67 Ennismore Gardens, London SW7 1NH on Wednesday
13th August. The timetable is as follows: -
8.30 am Divine Liturgy
- 11.00 am Funeral service
- 3.00 pm (approx) Interment at Old
Brompton Cemetery.
19.01.2001 Recently in the
Diocese of Sourozh we began systematic collection of materials of Metropolitan
Anthony of Sourozh – with his consent and support. The Diocese recognised a
necessity to create as complete as possible an archive of its Bishop on modern
media to provide durability and convenience of use of the stored materials.
There will be three copies of the archive: in the USA, Russia and England. The
archive will include texts in every language – both published and unpublished;
audio tapes; video materials (photos, films and video-films). As an addition –
printed and published materials about the Bishop, personal testimonies.
It is not a small
task – particularly because the Bishop generously planted the seeds, but never
cared to pick the fruits of his labours. We urge everybody who has some
materials – or can help in this huge project – to lend materials and/or
contribute his or her efforts. All the materials provided to us will be entered
into a computer and stored on the compact disks (CDs) and digital video-disks (DVDs)
and the originals promptly returned to the owners.
Please, bring
materials (or their copies) you have or offers of your help and service to:
in London:
Kelsey Cheshire, 020-7243-0801;
Tania Maidanovitch, 020-7373-2760;
Elena Orlova (Church library), e-mail: [email protected];
in Russia:
Elena Maidanovitch, Russia, 125252, Moscow-252, Alabyana st.17, apt. 135,
phone: 198-92-57; e-mail: [email protected]
in USA:
Boris Khazanov, 75 Tater Street, Mount Vernon, NH 03057, USA; phone:
603-672-7147; FAX: 603-672-4827; e-mail: [email protected]